Terms of use and licenses

General conditions
This legal notice includes the general conditions that govern the reuse of public sector information of the Arona City Council, which will be governed, in general, by State Law 37/2007, of November 16, on the reuse of public sector information. (Official State Gazette (BOE), November 17, 2007).

Access to the data sets that the Arona City Council publishes on this website implies acceptance of these Terms of Use. If you have questions or wish to make comments about the Terms of Use, please contact us through from the following email address: admin.datosabiertos@arona.es

It is understood by:

  • Reuse: the use of documents held by the Arona City Council and the entities that make up the island public sector, by natural or legal persons, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, provided that said use does not constitute a public administrative activity.
  • Document: all information regardless of its material or electronic support as well as its form of graphic, sound or image expression used.
  • Reusing agent: any natural or legal person that reuses public sector information for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

License for the data sets
All data sets offered by Arona City Council, unless otherwise indicated, are published under the terms of the Creative Commons-Attribution license (CC-by 4.0), and allow:

  • Copy, distribute and publicly disseminate.
  • Serve as a basis for works derived as a result of its analysis or study.
  • Use for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
  • Modify, transform and adapt, making said changes public.

Likewise, the reuse of the information contained in the data sets is subject to the following general conditions:

  • That the content of the information is not altered.
  • Don't let the meaning of the information be distorted.
  • That the source be cited.
  • Mention the date of the last update.
  • Acceptance of the Terms of Use does not imply the granting of copyright or intellectual property rights over the data sets.

The use, reproduction, modification or distribution of the data sets implies, under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution (CC-by 4.0) license, the obligation to acknowledge the authorship and cite the Arona City Council as the source of the sets. of data. For example:

Data source: Arona City Council.

Exclusion of liability
Both the Arona City Council and any of its organizations, entities or agents are not responsible for any damages or losses that, directly or indirectly, including those that cause economic, material or data damage, caused or may be caused by the use of the data sets. The use of the data sets will be carried out by the users or reuse agents at their own risk.

Arona City Council does not offer any type of guarantee regarding the published data sets, so it cannot ensure, despite efforts to adequately manage the data sets, their integrity, updating, accuracy or continuous access to them. such data sets.

Arona City Council may, at any time, add, delete or modify the published data sets or these Terms of Use.

Responsibility of the reusing agent
The user or agent of the reuse of the data sets is subject to Law 37/2007, of November 16, on the reuse of public sector information, especially its sanctioning regime (BOE, of November 17, 2007). ), as well as all regulations that affect the use of information, such as Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (BOE, of December 6, 2018). and Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the consolidated Text of the Intellectual Property Law (BOE, of April 22, 1996).

The Arona City Council may, at its own expense, cancel or suspend access to the data sets without prior notice, to anyone who the Arona City Council, according to its unilateral criteria, considers to be in breach of these Terms of Use, current legislation. or use, reproduce, modify or distribute the data sets in a harmful or inconvenient way. In the case of cancellation or suspension, the person or entity will no longer be authorized to use or reproduce the data sets and, in addition, the City Council may use any means at its disposal to make its decision effective.

Such cancellation or suspension will have no effect on those persons or entities who, in good faith, received the data sets from the person or entity subject to the cancellation or suspension and who are otherwise in compliance with these Terms of Use .

It may not be publicly indicated, insinuated or suggested that the Arona City Council, or any of its organizations, entities, companies or agents, participates, sponsors or supports the specific use or reproduction that a person or entity makes of the sets. of data, and must refrain from the use of any written, graphic, visual or auditory names or of any other nature that may suggest confusion in the end user of the participation or support by the City Council, or by its organizations, entities, companies. or agents, in the activity of the user of the information or data set.

Applications and external links
The portal may provide links to external pages over which it has no control, and for which the Arona City Council declines all responsibility, and the user of this website must, in any case, abide by the specific conditions of use of these links.

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