
The “Arona Smart Tourist Destination” project, presented by the Arona City Council, was one of those selected as beneficiaries of the ‘Call for Smart Tourist Destinations’ by, an entity dependent on the Ministry of Economy and Business. It has a maximum investment of €5,672,939.80, contributed 58% by and 42% by the Arona City Council.

This Call is part of the National Plan for Smart Territories, a strategy that provides continuity to the previous National Plan for Smart Cities. In it, a total of 25 projects from nine autonomous communities have been selected, which will involve an investment of 73.97 million euros.

Of these, will contribute a total of 45.78 million (61.88%), thanks to the co-financing of the ERDF through the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain (POPE). Local entities, for their part, are responsible for between 20% and 40% of the total estimated cost of each initiative.

Financing from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for these projects represents a great boost for the development of smart cities and territories. ERDF contributes to innovation in improving the quality of life of citizens, in aspects as essential as the environment, mobility, governance, economy, people and housing.

The projects that have been beneficiaries promote the application of information and communication technologies to the operation of local entities that are eminently touristic, so that they are configured into intelligent territories, with differential and competitive services that guarantee, in turn, a development sustainable, accessible to all, that improve the visitor experience and the resident's quality of life., through all the calls launched, seeks not only to achieve a real impact on people but also to consolidate the national industry around smart territories, very advanced in the global context, allowing the internationalization of products and services. services that are generated, and thus contribute to the creation and wealth in the country.


Among the components planned in the “Arona Smart Tourist Destination” initiative is the launch of a municipal Open Data Portal, which will be made up of:

  • Open Government Portal, as a shuttle to the different applications, participation form and open government information content.
  • Open Data Portal, which brings together, stores and distributes data sets published at the municipal level.
Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional