The Arona City Council updates its Open Data Portal

Dienstag, 16-04-2024

The Arona City Council has updated its Open Data Portal by publishing a new version basically characterized by the following two aspects:

  • Greater adaptation to the technological demands of current content, changes have been made in the applications that support the portal, seeking greater efficiency. Likewise, the image has been modified, updating it and providing it with greater usability.
  • Increase in functionalities, citizen participation is enhanced, opening specific channels in the portal itself, and also the federation of data. In this first version, the portal is integrated with the Open Data Portal of the State Administration, DATOS.GOB.ES. In the future, the federation is planned with the portals of the Cabildo of Tenerife and the Government of the Canary Islands.

This initiative is part of Line 11-Open Data Portal of the Arona Smart Tourist Destination Project (Arona DTI), a project in which the city council has been working for more than a year, it is financed with European funds and its execution is carried out jointly with RED.ES.

The intended objective of the Open Data Portal is twofold: on the one hand, and in relation to citizens in general, it is intended to promote transparency, participation and collaboration policies; On the other hand, as for data reusers, it provides added value to activities based on data reuse.

In this first version, data related to the municipal register, official events agenda, sports facilities and information on accessibility on public roads are published.

It is our intention to expand the current catalog of published data, and to do so we will give great importance to communication and contributions from citizens. To do this, we will give the maximum possible disclosure both to the portal itself and to the successive expansions that we make to our data catalog.

Along these lines, we want to invite both citizens in general and data reusers in particular, to provide us with suggestions through the portal itself or through any communication channel of the Arona City Council, both in the categories of data to be published as well as in those aspects that they consider regarding its improvement.

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